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Alchemic v2.1

An advanced DI framework for iOS

Carthage compatible

API: Objective-C Swift 3

HomeInstallationAdding AlchemicArchitectureObject factoriesInjectionsValue typesProgrammatic usageiOS featuresAdvanced usageError handlingReference

Advanced usage

Config classes

It’s possible you may need to configure Alchemic outside of the class you want it to manage. You might not not have access to the source code or simply don’t want to make it depend on Alchemic.

To manage classes from other libraries like this, you can create a class and implement the AlchemicConfig protocol. In the configureAlchemic: method, you can use the context to define and setup external classes in the Alchemic model.

@interface MyAppConfig : NSObject<AlchemicConfig>

@implementation MyAppConfig
+(void) configureAlchemic:(id<ALCContext>) context {
    ALCClassObjectFactory of = [Context registerObjectFactoryForClass:[SomeOtherClass class]];
    [context objectFactoryConfig:of, AcFactoryName(@"otherService"), nil];
    [Context objectFactory:of registerVariableInjection:@"aVar", nil];
class MyAppConfig:NSObject<AlchemicConfig>
    @objc static func configureAlchemic(context:ALCContext) {
        let of = context.registerObjectFactoryForClass(SomeOtherClass.class);
        of.objectFactoryConfig:of, AcFactoryName("otherService"), nil);
        of.objectFactory(of registerVariableInjection:"aVar", nil);

In this example we are telling Alchemic to create and manage a singleton instance of MyService which comes from an API framework that is not Alchemic aware.

Stopping Alchemic from auto-starting

If for some reason you do not want Alchemic to auto-start (unit testing perhaps), then you can do this by modifying XCode’s scheme for the launch like this:

Stop Alchemic from loading

–alchemic-nostart - disables Alchemic’s autostart function.

Manually starting

Alchemic can programmatically started using:

[Alchemic start];

But generally speaking, just letting Alchemic autostart is the best way.